What is a divorce coach and how can they help someone navigating this major life shift? I had the privilege of speaking with Nanette Murphy of Live Life Now LLC to learn more!
Nanette takes personal experience and professional training to help people as a sounding board, calming influence, and guide where and how needed navigating these waters – I find myself doing much of the same, though, just happening to have my legal hat on.
When traveling with minor children, all parents should plan ahead carefully. When you are divorced and sharing custody, it is critically important. If you are traveling with your shared minor children (particularly internationally), you absolutely should (1) bring a signed and executed copy of your Judgment of Divorce / Custody and Parenting Time Agreement with you and (2) have a signed and notarized letter from your co-parent authorizing you to travel with the minor children to present to airline and airport professionals upon request. If you have any questions about travel language and agreements relating to your divorce or post-judgment matter, please contact us.
Zoom has been around for a few years now, and, many court hearings remain on Zoom and will for the foreseeable future. Here are a few tips to best prepare for your upcoming Zoom hearing: (1) find a quiet, private space; (2) dress appropriately; (3) log on 5-10 minutes early identify yourself with your full legal name and case number.
Do you have a complete understanding of your finances? Are you aware of what you spend and your overall financial health? If not, you fall into the vast majority of people. While financial awareness is critical during the divorce process, anyone can benefit from working with a financial coach, like Kimberley Demarest of Be Knot Afraid, to ensure they are as informed, educated and aware as possible to empower themselves financially. If you have any questions about your marital estate and financial issues relating to your divorce, please contact us.
People sometimes ask me, “What if I file for divorce and then change my mind?” It happens. A Complaint for Divorce can be dismissed voluntarily with a one page court form by the moving party prior to entry of a Judgment of Divorce. Now, if you file, and your spouse files a Counter-Claim, and you want to dismiss and they do not, then, the case is moving forward. But, filing is just the beginning of the process – you have a few months at a minimum, if not considerably longer in many cases. And, I have seen it happen – if you file for divorce, finalize your divorce, and, decide you want to get back together…you still can! If you have any questions about the process and procedures in filing for divorce in Michigan, please contact us.
Assuming you and your co-parent share joint legal custody over your minor child(ren), that means you each have equal rights to their medical information, records, appointments and major decision-making. Often times, divorced parents have different views on healthcare (i.e., vaccines, procedures, prescriptions). If joint legal custodial parents cannot agree on major medical decisions, they go to court to battle these issues (which is often very expensive, time consuming and emotionally draining). Most often, courts will follow the accepted standards of medical experts and healthcare professionals. If you would like to discuss these sensitive family law issues or any others so you can be as informed as possible, please contact us.