You heard that right, pet custody experts! Dogs are part of our families, and, must be discussed and accounted for accordingly. My 4-pawed partner Hudson and I discuss pet custody, and, my favorite model where the dog stays with the minor children and follows their parenting time schedule. It is always comforting to have their furry friend with them during times of change and transition. If you have any questions on pet custody, parenting time, or divorce in general, please contact us.


Limited scope representation allows individuals to obtain more flexible, accessible and affordable legal representation and counsel on their own terms. If you do not have $5,000.00 for a retainer, or, do not think or want full and complete representation, this is a good option for you. If you are interested in having a limited scope consultation and learning about your options, please contact us here.


Please, I implore you, do not fight over pots and pans or other trivial personal property. Family heirlooms are different. As is expensive art, pieces of jewelry and things like that. Otherwise, I promise you, it is not worth it. If you would like to discuss personal property division, or, any other family law matters, please contact us here.

Emmer Law PLC In The News

Emmer Law PLC was featured in Downtown News Magazine in Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills, Michigan in its September 2021 issue. Emmer Law PLC and Max S. Emmer strive to provide clients with thoughtful, reasonable and efficient representation and counsel throughout Southeastern Michigan. Moreover, Max S. Emmer believes in educating both clients and the community in the many different options and opportunities available family law and divorce. If you have any questions, or, wish to schedule a consultation with Max, please contact us today.


In this video I discuss the “myth” of pit bull lawyers and how, often times, all they do is inflame the situation making it more costly for you and your family. In my experience, 99% of the time, a thoughtful, reasonable attorney and counselor accomplishes more with less cost (financial and emotional capital) than lawyers who pound the table and scream and holler.

If you would like to confidentially discuss your family law matter, please contact me here.